22 April 2021

The Bear's Cake: WIP


Work in Progress 

which means sooner or later.  Probably later

George stared at the stocked trout stream.  Annoying, that’s what the fuck it was. Totally annoying.  He hated fish. Couldn’t stand the taste, broke out in hives. Let a wild and woolly moment happen and now he was hunting a damn fish for supper.  Worse, he craved it. He glared at the stream.  

He itched.  Everywhere.  At least he wasn’t allergic to fur. That would be royally fucked. At least he had made it into the woods before he lost it.  Damn it. He had better control than this.  Or not. With a mental sigh, he took a half-hearted swat at the trout grinning at him. Bastard. He hated fish.

The itching intensified. Giving up on the trout, George walked back toward the woods to the tree prime for good old bear back scratch.  It looked sturdy enough to handle him. Rubbing against it, he was pleased to discover it held up to his massive weight. Ah, tree felt good. Damn he itched. Welcome to spring.  Everything itched in the spring.  Not only craving fish, but allergic to pollen too. 

Branches snapped, leaves swished and crunched. Something or someone ran toward him.   Combination of strawberries, cardamom and cream reached his nose.  It put him in mind of the Strawberry and cream cake with cardamom syrup he loved. One more slow long knee bend, he stopped scratching to listen.  

“Help!” A male voice called.

Okay, that didn’t sound good; the smell was coming from that direction.  The crashing stopped and sounds of a struggle grew.

A different male voice, hot with anger and passion, snapped. “Bitch, you want it.  You fuck Dan, you can fuck me.

George lumbered toward the sound.  

A man had someone pinned under him. He threw a punch, knocking the fight out of the other man. “You better be a good lay.”

“I didn’t fuck Dan and I don’t want you.”  Pinned, the other tried to push him off. “Let me fucking go.”

“You think I hired you just to cook. You need to learn to bend over when I want it and it starts today.”  He grabbed the man’s shirt and tore it.

“No.” The one pinned tried to buck himself free.

They didn’t notice as George crept up behind them. Okay so not crept.  It’s freakin’ hard to creep when you weighed 1500 pounds.  Yep, the cake smell came from the one trying to escape. The manhandling pissed George off. That was cake he was damaging.

George barked.

The guy on top shot up. “Oh Jesus God.  It’s a fucking Grizzly.”  

He ran. 

The cake laid there, blue eyes wide.  Dark wavy hair had fallen in his face. A classic. Cake plus a Greek statue.  George noted he needed a shave. He also looked as terrified as only a man who had a 1500 pound grizzly standing over him could... which made sense, George figured. He had one standing over him.

George lowered his head for a sniff, curious if he tasted like he smelled, and all the poor guy saw was teeth.  He closed his eyes. A wet tongue licked his face. He did what any sane person would do when licked by a grizzly, he fainted.

Concerned George nuzzled him. Getting no response, he pawed him. No movement. He shifted into his human form.  “Hello beautiful. How did you get in this fix?”

A large lump formed on the back of Cake’s head.  Shit, he didn’t have a damn cell phone with him. Hell, he didn’t have clothes, either. He searched the Cake’s pockets. Luck. One cell phone. He dialed. “Hey Frank?  I need you and Jeri. No I’m not hurt. No, I didn’t hurt anyone.  Yes, someone is hurt. I found him. Yes, I need clothes. I’ll meet you at the park”

The Cake was still out cold.  George picked him up cradling him against his chest. When he reached the edge of the park, he laid the Cake down on a bed of leaves.  Jeri got out of her car with her medical pack. He waved her over.

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